Shiva - Sananda Rebirth

an empowering + healing journey with the divine masculine & divine fathers

This 2 hour Zoom Ascension Journey led by Lord Shiva and Ascended Master Sananda is open to both men & women . This is a deep meditation/healing transmission working with the Navy Blue Flame and Golden Codes of Resurrection. You will be guided through my voice by guides of the Divine Masculine:

  • to harmonize your Inner Masculine and Feminine polarities - deepening the Hieros Gamos process of Inner Union
  • to heal sexual shame & repression with Shiva, Osiris and Isis
  • to Release Words of Power - healing your throat chakra with Thoth so you may speak with alignment, integrity and authority
  • to Clarify your Inner Hawk Vision with Horus so you may perceive with high discernment and wisdom
  • to Undo/Unweave bonds of Servitude between the Masculine & Feminine (both from toxic patriarchy AND toxic matriarchy!)
  • to receive Ressurection Codes of Easter and assist your Rebirth into your Divine Essence
  • to release wounds and layers of trauma related to the Divine Masculine across all timelines and dimensions

This Ascension Journey can be seen as the continuation of the work we started with Magdalena -Anna Reclaim, though it isn't mandatory to have attended one to receive the other!

We will be working with the chakra system, as explained below.

This is a direct transmission, which is the only way I teach and am taught.

You will receive a channeled individual/collective healing, blessings, anointing and activations catered to your own needs at the time you watch. 

The souls who are destined to connect through this workshop will recognize this offering; it is protected and held in the Highest Light of Source.

Trust your Heart. 

Trust your inner guidance.

You are reading these words for a reason.

Energy investment: 33£

Here is the channeled message I received from the Divine Fathers:

"We want you to rise, as daughters/sons of the great central sun. Your dimension is experiencing a massive elevation in consciousness that requires you to stand in your light and align your spine with Divine Will.

Your Divine Father is a nurturing, caring, and loving One.

Come join your heart with His!

His love will heal the crevices of your soul that have yearned for Him.

Come home now, Dear Child.

You were always guided by his gentle hand to find your sword, to protect and serve the Highest Light of Source.

Remember his Golden Eye of Truth shining upon you.

Remember the Golden Days when you walked among all of Creation as an ode, a celebration of His Greatness. To delight your senses always, He held your heart in Pure Liquid Gold.

Come back to Him, Dear Child.

Shiva - Sananda & the Divine Fathers

meet the Guides

We will gather under the guidance of Divine Fathers and Grandfathers such as (but not limited to):

Lord Shiva, Lord Sananda, Osiris, Horus, Enki, Thoth, Babaji,  Ascended Master Lanto, Ascended Master Serapis Bey, Ascended Master Paul the Venetian, Padmasambhava and others.

The space will be held for us by the Sacred Feminine through the Divine Consorts of the Masculine guides, such as Lady Nada, Isis, Kali, Maât, Kuan Yin, Yeshe Tsogyal etc.

From top left to lower right corner: Lord Shiva, Lord Sananda (Yeshua/Christ), Padmasambhava, Babaji.

Abydos Temple of Osiris

What to prepare

  • A quiet and comfortable space for yourself in sacred ceremony - I recommend sitting
  • Light a candle and burn your favorite incense beforehand (preferably frankincense, vetiver, or cedarwood if possible)
  • Cleanse and bless your sacred space (sage, palo santo etc)
  • Have some water at hand + a glass of water to be blessed for later use
  • Wear navy blue or gold clothing if possible
  • You may want to create a crystal grid/altar carrying your healing intentions

Shiva - Sananda Rebirth Is FOR YOU IF:

  • You wish to explore the "Hieros Gamos" > connection with your Inner Masculine polarity, bringing it into balance with your Inner Feminine
  • You are healing deep layers of trauma, shame, repression and disharmony with the Masculine archetypes in your life (Father, Lover, Warrior) - within yourself and in your relationships
  • You are seeking to open/deepen your connection with your Inner Masculine qualities: sovereignty, authority, discernment and the ability to speak your Truth freely
  • You wish to reclaim the Courage to express yourself fully, authentically, and strengthen your connection with your Divine Self
  • You are on an Ascension Journey and want to prepare your heart, mind and body to new Golden frequencies of Christ Consciousness
  • You are not exactly sure if this is for you or you are new to conscious work, but you feel a resonance in your heart of hearts

HOw they experiencedShiva - Sananda Rebirth

"This was deeply powerful and beyond my expectations"

Julie, this was deeply powerful and beyond my expectations. I was so excited for this session and I knew it was going to be a much needed look into this masculine feminine relationship.

My experience throughout was much more physical and emotion-based than visual, which is a contrast to the previous Magdalena -Anna Reclaim journey.

I had a lot of impulses to move, fidgeting, shifting my weight around and wanting to stretch my spine. 

Present for a lot of the session was this feeling of irritation, anger and a sulky kind of feeling. At first I thought this was release from my masculine, for being unheard, unacknowledged perhaps but as the session continued I began to realise it was coming from the feminine.

When we were prompted to join hands I had actually already done this and there was a togetherness that felt good, but I was reminded throughout the process that there was this inner battle going on. Focusing on the left side and then the right side made me really uncomfortable. Like I didn’t want to separate myself out like that. But I realise now that I think this is because the feminine had been hiding so much emotion from the masculine and she did not want to be examined!! I began to get a sense that the masculine was there below this layer of feminine rage, just holding space, allowing, patient and accepting. He waited until the tears ran out, never responding or retaliating or becoming wounded by her expression of emotion. There were two points where the tears really came and that was the heart and third eye. I’ve had a lot of third eye sensations recently, very physical aches and twinges in the forehead muscles.

Because so much of my attention was on this inner conflict I didn’t experience any visions really, but at the end of the session I feel calm again, clearer in my understanding of the dynamic that is so integral to our being. I received an image for a client in a session I held today which was of a climbing rose, climbing up a trellis, it came after a vision of a diamond light matrix or lattice that extended from the heart and it reminded me of the strong centre pole of the masculine that the feminine entwines around and rises and blossoms. This beautiful expression cannot come through without the support and the platform that the masculine offers. Right at the beginning actually, I did see something - a dancing couple, how the male dancer supports the female dancer and her flourishes and expression of beauty aren’t possible without him holding her and protecting her.  I feel them working together a bit more, a lot more actually and I’ll definitely be repeating this again to see how they are getting along…

Honestly what a journey, another unexpectedly profound and intimate journey! You are really such an incredible guide and space-holder for these incredible, transformational healing energies to flow. You create the most safe and held space and I’m so grateful for all that you do. 


Sarah – Cornwall, UK

"I felt so much Peace and Reassurance"

What a beautiful session with Julie tonight.  

At the beginning, I felt very emotional, quite tearful at times but I accepted this feeling with love as I moved deeper into the meditation.  

I saw pyramids from a distance and I was then guided through a tunnel which was connected to different temples.

I felt the presence of Babaji almost instantly and he took my hand and gave me a reassuring glance.  I felt so much blue energy and I saw a beautiful blue crystal but Im not quite sure which one as it didn’t feel familiar, but the light reflected around me and I felt quite powerful.  I saw a glimpse of Buddha who was sat by an archway, looking onto a garden.  I could see figures but the image wasn’t that clear.  

I just remember feeling so much peace and reassurance.  As Julie and the guides worked their way up through each chakra, I felt pressure on my solar plexus and I could feel it slowly starting to release.

I also saw very distinctive plant leaves whilst working on my throat chakra.  I was trying to remember the name and now that I’m typing I know it was geranium leaf by the markings, which is lovely as I was wearing my throat chakra oil which has an element of geranium.  I had ringing and muffling sounds in the right side of my ear and I kept repeating Shiva out load whilst feeling his presence.  

By the end of the session, I felt strong and ready to step forward.  This session for me was one of divine timing.  

I have been hiding away my truth for too long and I now feel like this gives me a more balanced approach with the feminine and masculine energies working together….. finally! I always feel so supported when I attend Julie’s sessions, so thank you once again.

Jo– Berkshire, UK

"Words can't express the power of the work"

Whenever I take part in a journey with Julie, I always know that I will be held in a loving and safe space. As she works with the guides, the work can be challenging, but always enlightening.

I have rarely contemplated the Divine Masculine within, but have felt his presence, as he tries to protect my softer side. It is by acknowledging him and seeking balance that I can enable the Divine Feminine to flourish too and allow that vulnerability to play out.

A journey with many images and a deep knowing. Throughout I would have strong images before Julie referred to them. I saw two white lights dancing and coming together, as Shiva and Kali danced.

There was a deep connection with so many different cultures and timelines. The work through the chakras was powerful. As we contemplated our left side and then our right, there was a lack of balance, but as I joined hands, before Julie suggested that I could, I found my palms upturned and my fingers intertwined, in a gentle and loving balance with one side not trying to overpower the other, but coming together in peace.

Words cannot really express the power of the work. Julie is the most loving and supportive person, with such rich and deep connection with the guides. The message that was channeled through her was a powerful one and it was one I was called upon to answer. I will now try to listen to my Divine Masculine and to work to acknowledge him with gratitude and love.

SarahLondon, UK

"Many tears shed from feeling unconditional Love"

Thank you again, Julie, for guiding us all through an incredible journey to connect with the sacred masculine.  It was truly lovely.

I was able to feel energies that I haven't yet been able to.

There were many tears shed from feeling their unconditional love.

I look forward to listening to the recording again to further develop and deepen my own inner relationship with the Divine!

Melissa – Buffalo, USA

Hello, I'm Julie

I’m a French Ascension Guide and Multidimensional Alchemist working with the Venus and Rose Councils of Light and Ascended Masters to assist your Higher Heart Healing and the embodiment of your Higher Purpose. 

Your soul in all its aspects has accumulated many gifts along its journey and I’m here to guide you through recovering and embodying them.

AFTER workshop


A workshop is a powerful activation. Keep in mind the healing and activations received may result in tangible changes in your body, emotions and certain life events. Those around you will receive the ripple effect of your own frequency change, and this might trigger all sorts of reactions from them. None of these reactions are a reflection of your own person, they are each person’s way of integrating these frequencies.

Please be patient, compassionate and gentle as yourself and those around you adjust to your new vibrational template.

I strongly encourage you to take this time to practice loving awareness of whatever arises within and around you, drink a lot of water and journal with the many insights this will bring for you.

The integration phase can last from a few days to a week (it varies depending on each person). You are strongly encouraged to keep track of any messages and visions coming for you, as well as notice your integration over time. You may experience unusual thirst, emotional release, physical discomfort (but no pain) as your body integrates and readjusts in the following days. This is normal. Should you experience unusual pain, please consult your healthcare professional.

I'm here for you!

Have a question? Send me a note.



Receive today this deeply healing and nurturing guided journey I've created, to travel with your Inner Child in the Heart of Mother Earth. I can't wait for you to take a moment of loving stillness with yourself and your Divine Mother !

This journey is encoded with Divine Mother frequencies,

Let me know how you experience this deep reconnection ~

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