Kuan Yin's Lavender Flame

a journey into forgiveness & compassion, releasing anger and grief

This 1.5 hour Zoom Ascension Journey is led by Kuan Yin and her Pink, White and Lavender Dragons. It is a powerful transmission to release  any anger, resentment, feelings of injustice and grief. This is a deep meditation/healing transmission working with Kuan Yin's Lavender Flame of Forgiveness, Compassion and Transmutation. Kuan Yin will help you to:

  • release all feelings of Anger, Resentment, Bitterness, Jealousy, Injustice that are ready to be transmuted - deep clearing from the Lavender Flame, Kuan Yin's Dragons and the assistance of St Germain
  • reconnect through Unconditional Love with the Souls who have caused suffering in your life - releasing stories, narratives and disempowering projections of Victimhood/Persecution
  • step into Forgiveness and Compassion for yourself and others through your Inner Child- Crystal Lotus activation into your Sacred Heart
  • receive a Balm for your Heart as you heal deep grief and loss - being held in the arms of the Mother
  • anchor frequencies of Peace and Freedom in your energy field
  • awaken your Christed Self into the octaves most easily anchored for you at this time - Peach & Gold Lotus activation

This is a direct transmission, which is the only way I teach and am taught.

You will receive a channeled individual/collective healing, blessings, anointing and activations catered to your own needs at the time you watch. 

Experience Kuan Yin's deep and loving embrace as your Surrender all wounds and stories into her arms. The Great Mother Sees You.

The souls who are destined to connect through this workshop will recognize this offering; it is protected and held in the Highest Light of Source.

Trust your Heart. 

Trust your inner guidance.

Your Soul lead you to read these words.

Energy investment: 33£

A channeled message from Kuan Yin:

"In the Heart of the Mother

My Love embraces

My Love purifies

Let my Love heal you

Restore you

Into the Christed Self


Kuan Yin - Mother of Compassion

about Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin is the Goddess of Compassion, Mercy and Forgiveness. Also known as Quan Yin/Guan Yin in China, Avalokiteśvara in Hinduism and Kannon in Japan, she is an embodiment of the Great Mother - just as Mother Mary whom she works closely with.

Kuan Yin is also a Lord of Karma, in charge of regulating collective and personal karma, and granting karmic dispensations amongst other functions. She does so through her Unconditional Love for humanity.

She carries the frequency of Divine Mother's Love and brings comfort and Peace to all. Kuan Yin teaches us compassion and helps us to Forgive. Peace is found in Forgiveness and Compassionate Sovereignty.

She carries and works with frequencies such as the Lavender Flame, the Peach-Gold Flame, Pink & White Lotus, Water Dragons, and the Dakinis.

The Lavender Flame can be seen as a gentler octave of the Violet Flame of Transmutation and Freedom of Ascended Master Saint Germain. It helps us gently release and transmute heavy emotions with Peace and Freedom. 

Credit : Azany from Deviantart

What to prepare

  • A quiet and comfortable space for yourself in sacred ceremony - I recommend sitting
  • Light a candle and burn your favorite incense/essential oil beforehand (preferably rose, geranium, lotus if possible)
  • Cleanse and bless your sacred space (sage, palo santo etc)
  • Wear pink, peach, lavender/purple or gold clothing if possible
  • You may want to create a crystal grid/altar carrying your healing intentions >  rose quartz, lavender jade, amethyst, apophyllite etc

Kuan Yin's Lavender Flame Is FOR YOU IF:

  • You wish to release heavy emotions that have kept you stuck and in pain such as anger, resentment, grudge, bitterness etc.
  • You are in need of Peace, Comfort and Compassion to alleviate your Heart and heal grief
  • You are ready to take a new look at your life's painful events and see them in a new, loving and empowering Light
  • You wish to step out of Victimhood mindset and patterns of judgment and criticism of yourself and others
  • You are on an Ascension Journey and want to awaken your Christed Self in order to embody the Divine I AM
  • You are not exactly sure if this is for you or you are new to conscious work, but you feel a resonance in your Heart of Hearts

HOw they experienced this workshop previously

"This was an incredibly beautiful and special transmission. Julie is extraordinarily gifted and I am always so grateful and absolutely blown away by her work.

The lavender flame of Kuan Yin was particularly potent for me. Kindness and gentleness towards myself have not been skills I really knew how to cultivate or experience and my nervous system has generally struggled to come down from 100 miles an hour.

The energies of this transmission melted all the way through me and words can’t really do it justice. I cried the whole way through and felt such a deep clearing of so much of what I had been holding onto in my body, especially in my heart.

I felt so many perceptions of my past melt away with the clear knowing that what these experiences had been and what meaning I had given them had never been true. Deep emotions I had suppressed and invalidated came forward to be felt and held with so much love. I felt the love and trust others had gifted to me that I hadn’t allowed myself to feel before. And I felt the clear knowing that that which I yearn and long for has never (and can never) leave me.

I feel cleansed with so much peace, presence, clarity in my heart and I’m resting in the knowing and seeing of love, peace, trust and kindness everywhere. Thank you Julie !"

Kirsty – London, UK

"This time with Kuan Yin was so filled with the beautiful compassion and love and softness she is known for. It was peaceful and gentle, while much heart healing, tears, and karmic clearing occurred.
The connection with her dragons was tangible. All 3, the white, pink and lavender dragons have beautiful, tender,protective energy.

The white crane brought with it bliss frequencies.

Julie has the the most incredible heart frequencies and love that allow these energies to present themselves.

Bless you Julie. And may those of you reading this bless yourself with the gift of this compassionate transmission."

Teri– Utah, USA

"I felt a very loving connection to Kuan Yin and her dragons during this session with Julie.

I experienced an intense physical release in my heart space and left side during the transmission. I also saw vibrant golden yellow and deep peach colors that were so beautiful and nourishing.

I was able to focus on self-forgiveness and compassion for past decisions I'd made and truly felt wrapped up in her loving energy.

It was such a beautiful experience!"

Jessica Detroit, USA

Hello, I'm Julie

I’m a French Ascension Guide and Multidimensional Alchemist working with the Venus and Rose Councils of Light and Ascended Masters to assist your Higher Heart Healing and the embodiment of your Higher Purpose. 

Your soul in all its aspects has accumulated many gifts along its journey and I’m here to guide you through recovering and embodying them.

AFTER workshop


A workshop is a powerful activation. Keep in mind the healing and activations received may result in tangible changes in your body, emotions and certain life events. Those around you will receive the ripple effect of your own frequency change, and this might trigger all sorts of reactions from them. None of these reactions are a reflection of your own person, they are each person’s way of integrating these frequencies.

Please be patient, compassionate and gentle as yourself and those around you adjust to your new vibrational template.

I strongly encourage you to take this time to practice loving awareness of whatever arises within and around you, drink a lot of water and journal with the many insights this will bring for you.

The integration phase can last from a few days to a week (it varies depending on each person). You are strongly encouraged to keep track of any messages and visions coming for you, as well as notice your integration over time. You may experience unusual thirst, emotional release, physical discomfort (but no pain) as your body integrates and readjusts in the following days. This is normal. Should you experience unusual pain, please consult your healthcare professional.

I'm here for you!

Have a question? Send me a note.



Receive today this deeply healing and nurturing guided journey I've created, to travel with your Inner Child in the Heart of Mother Earth. I can't wait for you to take a moment of loving stillness with yourself and your Divine Mother !

This journey is encoded with Divine Mother frequencies,

Let me know how you experience this deep reconnection ~

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Contact: Julie@goldenrose-healing.com

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