Higher Heart mentorship

a 3 month journey to healing & self-mastery

  • Do you wish to connect deeper with your guides, soul families and family in the Stars?
  • Do you seek to discover your soul gifts and how to use them?
  • Are you on a journey to realigning with your Divine Original Blueprint and wish to embody who You truly Are?
  • Are you open to healing deeper layers of emotional, physical, ancestral, karmic and spiritual trauma?
  • Are you looking for a safe container to be seen, held and acknowledged in pure love and non-judgment?

Welcome to Higher Heart Mentorhip!

Enrolment OPEN NOW for 3 open hearts for May 2024.

What we may cover:

  • SELF MASTERY > tools and practices to hold space for yourself with courage, clarity and discernment
  • HEART HEALING > emotional healing (trauma & limiting programs), shedding guilt, blame, anger, projections, expectations...
  • SOLAR PLEXUS Activation > Reclaiming and placing your BOUNDARIES with firm Compassion 
  • ANCESTRAL and KARMIC healing > connecting with your Guides, Higher Self and Ancestors
  • Retrieving your SOUL GIFTS and learning to harness them > the talents, abilities, wisdom and knowledge your soul has collected throughout your many lives
  • DNA activations, energy clearing practices, tools and resources
  • THROAT CHAKRA HEALING > finding your VOICE to express your TRUTH with authenticity, authority, compassion and vulnerability
  • THIRD EYE CLEARING > sharpening your DISCERNMENT (heart, mind and body!)
  • EGO & SHADOW WORK > practices to make PEACE with yourself

When you enter Higher Heart Mentorship, I open for you a powerful energy container and place you in high vibrational Templates of Diamond & Rainbow Light that support you 24/7, holding you protected in Divine Light.

You are under the protection of Archangel Michael and Mother Mary for the entirety of our time together.

Sign up below

What Lucia said after our 1st mentorship

Since I began working with Julie, I've learned what it means to be supported by Mother energy. 

In short, I feel aligned and brave. I've made enormous, powerful changes in love and career— I'm living with a partner for the first time and have become a business owner. All along the way, I've felt safe and free.

Thank you, Julie.

You are a gift. 

Lucia – NYC, USA

what you Receive 

each month:

This is a high vibrational and high commitment offering, therefore I have limited spots available.

  • 1 private Soul Alchemy healing session for DEEP clearing, key activations and soul gifts retrieval - 2 hours, recorded over Zoom.
  • 2  private mentoring calls with me (bi-weekly)- 2 hours each, recorded over Zoom.
  • Access to our private Mentorship Whatsapp group with other mentorees for a powerful group support.
  • 1 monthly group call - 2 hours
  •  Our first call is your Initial Call to discuss our journey and set your intentions + our final call is your Closing Call to review your journey, integrate the teachings and prepare you moving forward.

Ready to join?

claim one of the 3 places available!

Once I receive your form I will contact you within two business days to discuss our journey and your preferred payment option. Payment will be via direct bank transfer.

What Jessica has to say after our 2nd mentorship

My second round of mentorship with Julie was extraordinary. I wanted to "level up and go deeper." I even said I was ready for the universe to "bring it on" and boy did it ever! 

During my six month container I experienced a shamanic death and rebirth that was truly remarkable. With Julie's support, I was able to practice a deeper self-love and compassion for myself while I went through initiations that tested my trust, courage, and faith.

My relationship with nature was heightened and I was pleasantly surprised to see how plants and animals began to interact with me in a more noticeable way. I was able to reactivate aspects of myself from previous lifetimes as well as receive messages from my spirit guides and higher self. One message from my future self especially resonated with me and I think of it often. 

I greatly enjoyed each session and call with Julie. She has a gift for being able to see into the heart of an issue and knowing just what to say and how to say it. Even heavy topics, or things I didn't necessarily want to hear, were delivered with tact and warmth. It allowed me to be completely comfortable delving into the depths and showing sides of myself that I normally wouldn't. Julie provided such a safe container and that, paired with my willingness to "go there", allowed me to experience healing on a much deeper level than I've experienced with others. 

This was a truly magical experience and I know that I'm still integrating so much from our time together. I'm excited to see what else I discover a few months from now.

I highly recommend working with Julie through her mentorship or any of her other magical offerings.

Jessica – Michigan, USA

higher heart mentorship enrolment open for may 2024

may 2024 - july 2024
  •  3 spots open for a 3 month mentorship
  • 2 options: with or without daily access to me via Whatsapp Monday to Friday for ongoing support, guidance, answering questions and further teachings:
  • Option #1 without daily Whatsapp support > 1 x 1050£ , 2 x 700£ or 3 x 350£ via direct bank transfer or Paypal invoice
  • Option #2 with daily Whatsapp support > 1 x 1500£ , 2 x 1000£ or 3 x 500£ via direct bank transfer or Paypal invoice


I will contact you via phone or email within 48 hours of your booking to discuss our journey together, and schedule our mentoring calls and Soul Alchemy sessions.

Contact: Please direct any questions to me at julie@goldenrose-healing.com

Ready to join?

claim one of the 3 places available!

Once I receive your form I will contact you within two business days to discuss our journey and your preferred payment option. Payment will be via direct bank transfer.

What Teri says after our 2nd mentorship

As I reflect on the life changing past 6 months in the Higher Heart Mentorship with Julie, I am filled with a depth of gratitude that is soul deep.

Julie has lovingly been by my side and held sacred space for me as I navigated some of the deepest initiations, activations, shifts, releases, and successes of my life. She led me through the depth of the deepest lows and the heights of the highest highs. She was loving and gentle when needed, and challenged me when it was in my best interest to go deeper. And always, she was a beacon of light and an anchor I could count on as I rode the waves of the stormy sea.

As she guided me each week with grace and love, my self-awareness improved. Making some of the needed changes was easier knowing she had my back. My heart healed. Trauma healed. I nourished the boundaries I had set and set new ones. I was accountable to her.

I showed up for myself. I engaged in healthy practices for my body and spirit. I learned through her example what sacred space holding means. My discernment improved. I experienced heart expanding connections of unconditional love from all realms, as well as self-love and compassion.

If any of these aspects are something you are working on, or would like to, I recommend you have Julie by your side to guide you through it, advocate for you, celebrate your successes, and lovingly hold space for you.

It is truly a gift to yourself that will give back to you for the rest of your life.

Teri– Utah, USA @7thgoldenage

MY Pledge to you

This is a big journey, not for the faint of heart.

 We will work through the challenges that come up for you and I will follow and guide your journey, always meeting you where YOU ARE in the highest integrity and acceptance.

I am here to be a guide, a teacher, a kindred soul to touch base with.

I have walked this path through and through my entire life. I've been in the trenches and I am here to support you in this sacred soul bond that you and me have chosen to honour before we even incarnated.

I'm not here to follow a strict program, we will work as time goes around YOUR PRIORITIES ! This is NOT a space where I tell you what to do. YOU are in charge of your journey. I'm here to encourage and guide you, but also challenge you whererever some shadows need to be brought to Light.

I am here to :

  • Offer you guidance in the form of channeled messages or practices from your own guides and Ascended Masters,
  • Reflect back to you the hidden aspects that hinder your growth (beliefs, patterns) with HONESTY but always with benevolence, complete acceptance and compassion... and a push when needed!
  • Support and encourage you when the path takes you into uncomfortable spaces,
  • Teach and transmit to you EVERYTHING I know that can be useful at this point of your journey

More than anything, you have a safe space to BE and show ALL that You Are in complete trust and acceptance.

There is no wound or shadow that can't be loved, forgiven and reintegrated into Oneness through your Heart.

Ready to join?

claim one of the 3 places available!

Once I receive your form I will contact you within two business days to discuss our journey and your preferred payment option. Payment will be via PayPal invoice.

What a mentorship is and isn't

The sacred container of a mentorship is an intimate experience and relationship between the mentor/guide and the mentoree.

Tremendous time, energy and availability are required for me to be present by your side and hold a clear, loving yet assertive space for you.

I will be encouraging and supportive. I am also here to challenge your beliefs and patterns when they do come up – and they will – to help you find your way through them.

It is very human and very easy to project many expectations and beliefs on the mentor, sometimes believing that they have answers we don’t and that they know better than ourselves what we should be doing.

It’s very easy and common to give away our power to those we perceive to be authorities on certain topics. We will also work around these projections, dissolving them so that you may fully own your power of choice and action.

It is my deepest wish for you to realize ultimately that you do not need a mentor.  The external guide is mostly here to reframe and reflect on your experience with you.

May you know and trust that you are your own best guide.

This is what they have to say about Higher Heart Mentorship...

Julie is truly an Alchemist of the highest calibre.

If you are ready to uncover your Multidimensional self, learn to expand your Heart, heal and love your Human self, she will be the perfect guide for you.

I adored my time on this mentorship and so many things have changed in my physical and Spiritual life as a result of this container. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to sit with a true master and dive deep within. If you feel the calling there is a reason and I encourage you to take a leap of Faith and Trust!

One of the biggest shifts in myself is feeling embodied; I would unconsciously escape my body regularly prior to the mentorship.

I’ve gone from pushing myself and soldiering on to learning how to not have a plan and being okay with that for the time being. Having that space has also allowed me to come face to face with more aspects of myself that I had disowned or projected onto others ever so subtly and having huge epiphanies around these patterns/programs.

Part of feeling more embodied required some work to be done on my lower chakras, in particular my root chakra, so I could feel safe in my physical vessel. So much work was done in this area, I truly learned about grounding deep into the Earth and the importance of practicing this daily. The ability to draw boundaries with others was a huge improvement in this area. As was releasing the need to save everyone and the need to be needed.

During our time together I cultivated much discernment and trust in myself.

Another huge change has been listening and following my inner nudges, acknowledging and acting on them even if they don’t necessarily make sense at the time. 

Having Integrity and being able to feel feelings and all the other factors involved with being a Human in a dense vibrational field, is a vital rite of passage. Julie has definitely taught me that this is a necessary and crucial step of the spiritual process.

Julie taught me about the importance of Compassion, for myself mostly. Being able to love with the same ferocity the not so acceptable things I carry around with myself. Julie is a shining example here, there is nothing you can unearth about yourself that Julie hasn’t heard or can hold space for.

The importance of integration of my ‘Whole Self’ not just the ‘so called’ acceptable parts of me. 

The integration of my Feminine and Masculine aspects is an area I feel Julie excels in, I continue to be committed around bridging and healing this relationship.

As Julie again demonstrated throughout the container, there are many levels to this and it takes time and patience.

The thing that was so wonderful about our sessions was the variety and the multi faceted aspects of Spirit that were addressed within each and every session.  As a client I found it intriguing what would come up in each session and how Julie had the ability to gather pieces of a puzzle that she would somehow unify and merge together.

One of my favourite things was to connect and learn about my Star Origins, there was always a feeling of so much peace and love that emanated during these ‘Off Planet Excursions’. Cultivating and continuing that dialogue with my Families of Light is the one thing that provides Hope, support and endurance as I traverse this Earth Incarnation.

I thoroughly enjoyed Julie’s ability to translate higher learnings into practical bite sized pieces. Julie has an uncanny ability as a communicator to weave stories and draw on analogies to perfectly illustrate a lesson. She is adept in various Light Languages and her Angelic singing often brought me to tears.

My experience has been that some of the work Julie does is seeded for another time when my soul can integrate it. Not dissimilar to a gardener planting seeds and when they are ready to be activated they will start sprouting and take root where required.

Not everything can be healed or uncovered at once as the vessel has to be able to handle that level of intensity.

On that note, I had to learn how to really manage the energy coming into my physical body. Julie taught me that I had autonomy over that and had the ability to place commands in regards to the intensity and frequency. Realizing that I was in survival mode much of the time, just coping with what was happening rather than harnessing my own power and choosing has been eye opening.

Another aspect of this that has started to become fine-tuned is knowing when I am giving away my power to someone or something else, because I have unconsciously placed

them above my own wisdom.

Another aspect that also developed was giving and receiving and reframing how I see these.

After much discussion with Julie, she helped me understand that they are 2 sides of the same coin. The giving part came effortlessly for me in comparison to the receiving which was always difficult. Learning that they are equally important, I now consciously override receiving with being a gift from the Universe no matter where it comes from.

Receiving with gratitude and fully embracing it from my Heart, not rejecting the gift of receiving in any way, no matter how uncomfortable it is in the beginning.

Finally, I particularly loved the voice messages Julie often left about certain insights she had that either pertained to me personally or collectively. These messages were always so soothing and often came when I was struggling with something and didn’t recognize that I needed to reach out.

I know the reflections will keep on coming and I hope this very brief account of my experience gives someone who is considering doing the mentorship and idea of the vastness of this experience and how life changing it is.

Thank you for expanding my capacity to Love Julie, I am forever grateful.

Vanessa – Perth, Australia

"Julie is a divine space holder in the sacred container of her Mentorship Program. Her heart is open, loving, and non-judgmental as she leads and guides you through life transforming sessions. I have felt a love so deep it’s almost incomprehensible. I have been awe-struck and inspired by all of the activations the guides have offered to me through her. The initiations, karmic dispensations, deep releases and shifts that have rippled through my life and extended to my family, have been miraculous. I have developed deeper boundaries and self care as a result of our time together.

I have felt supported and buoyed up emotionally and spiritually by Julie at all times. The frequency and depth of our time together was so amazing, I could barely wait until we met again to see what would unfold! She supports you fully, at all times; before, after, through and in between. She is spectacular.

I have experienced tremendous growth and acceptance of my own gifts and abilities with her guidance. As a result, I have learned to trust my own intuition and guidance more fully, which is one of the most invaluable gifts to arise from our time together.

I connected with my guides, the Ascended Masters, and Archangels in ways I NEVER dreamed possible. It has been beyond beautiful.

In every way possible, I have experienced expansion and growth through my time with Julie in the mentorship program. I highly, highly, highly recommend you make the investment in yourself for this program. I promise, your life will change for the better."

Teri– Utah, USA @7thgoldenage

"The mentorship program with Julie is a life-changing investment.

It's difficult to put into words how much I've grown and healed over the past 6 months with Julie as my mentor, but I feel like a more authentic version of myself. A lighter, brighter, and significantly more healed version.

I had clear intentions of what I wanted to work on during our time together and jumped in with both feet, really putting my all into each session, which allowed me to make much more progress than I have in previous programs with others, but it was also significantly more intense. Having a set time several times a month to talk through what I was struggling with helped so much. I found that speaking things out really clarified them for me. Julie was able to be the mirror I needed and say the things I needed to hear most, even if it wasn't what I necessarily wanted to hear. Julie always provided a loving and judgement free space where I could talk about any embarrassing or unflattering part of myself and I knew she'd show immense compassion and that I was totally safe. This was critical for me.

I unearthed deep emotions and programs from all parts of myself. I discussed things I thought I had healed from, but realized there were deeper and more tender layers I'd been shying away from. Especially the deepest layers of childhood and ancestral trauma. Soon after a particularly powerful healing session, near the end of our six months together, I experienced a near complete healing of severe eczema on both of my hands that I had been struggling with for over a year. It was truly amazing. I also saw significant improvement in relationships with family which was a welcome surprise.

The mix of calls and healing sessions was perfect. Also being able to be in touch via WhatsApp voice messages between sessions was critical. It helped so much to have that deep, thoughtful support during this process since, at times, I felt very exposed and raw due to everything I was healing from. Julie was always incredibly responsive and caring. Even though there was a several hour time difference between us, I never felt like I wasn't able to get in touch with her when I really needed to.

I have discovered a new level of love and compassion for myself that I honestly didn't think was possible. Julie is such an incredibly hear- based being with tremendous gifts. I am so grateful that I made the decision to invest in myself and really do the work to heal myself with her. I'm very excited to experience another mentorship program with her and discover even deeper healing and further personal growth. I highly recommend and encourage you to enroll in a mentorship program with Julie.

Jessica Detroit, USA

I am so happy I chose Julie’s Mentorship Program! I can recommend her 1000%. I felt a magnetic pull and a spark of Joy as I read about her offerings. I was hesitant to spend money on myself but I felt that I deserved it and needed to do this. There was a recognition and a Knowing.

Julie is kind, sweet, funny and honest. She held space for me in a way I hadn’t experienced before. I could access my inner wisdom in a wonderful safe energetic container, every time we had a Healing Session or a Mentorship Call in between. I found the path to Self-Love, I opened chambers of my heart, I retrieved parts of my self, reclaimed Soul Gifts. I learned and integrated what healthy boundaries are, I am feeling more compassion and I got a true sense of what I am capable of!

 In the healing sessions I had miraculous experiences which I can’t even describe. The impact of these sessions are changes and healing of the physical and energetic bodies and senses. And they ripple through time and space. I opened my own superpowers and can’t wait to see how they unfold. There are Ascended Beings, your Cosmic and Soul Family, Ancestors, Memories of past lives and soul aspects, energetic surgery and much more. I had such beautiful experiences and even when I faced shadows I could release and alchemise these moments with Protection and so much Love. Sidenote: I am a mother of 2 kids and a wife, and this experience was a gift for all of us.

Dear Reader, if you feel the call within the sacred chambers of your heart, you will find yourself being held and guided. I loved my whole experience! I love Julie and I am forever grateful for our time together.

Verena Magdalena Vienna, Austria

THIS higher heart Mentorship Is FOR YOU IF:

  •  You are seeking to further your journey of self mastery through shamanic death & rebirth, with an open and willing heart
  • You are feeling an expansion into your gifts and a call to Serve your community in deeper ways, sharing your Light openly and authentically
  • You take full responsibility for your healing journey, and are willing to do the work. You are not expecting me to know what is best for you and tell you what to do, but to guide you to finding your own answers
  • You are called to realign with your Divine Original Blueprint through embodiment
  • You are opened to healing deeper layers of emotional, physical, ancestral, karmic and spiritual trauma weaved along your soul’s journey.
  • You are looking for a safe container to be seen, held and acknowledged in pure love and non-judgment as you journey into your most tender aspects.

The Higher Heart Mentorship has been nothing short of life-changing, eye-opening, heart-opening and transformational.

Julie will meet you wherever you are in your journey and hold the most gentle, safe and nurturing space for you to meet and explore parts of yourself. For the three months of the program, she facilitated healing sessions, shared messages and allowed for the most amazing discussions. We’ve explored themes of ancestral, heart and karmic healing, recovered soul gifts and activations, connected with a vast array of guides and plunged deep into shadow work. She is a wonderful mentor, healer and has infinite love and support for her clients. I’ve learned so much about myself, confirmed and unlocked the innate wisdom that dwells in all of us. I have found the peace within from which I can now hold space for myself and others in ways I didn’t even know existed.

No topic was off the table. Never did her wisdom feel didactic or forced. Never did a single interaction encroach on or in any way jeopardize the trust that I had in her professional and personal integrity. If you value a mentor that is highly dedicated, respectful and delicate in their approach, this is your guide into the world of healing and understanding thyself. If you have shadow work to do, if you want to learn more about yourself, or are simply looking to find encouragement and understanding whatever your journey may be, know that you will be held, supported and empowered through Julie’s beautiful offerings within and outside of this program.

This is a rare opportunity to work closely with someone who has been in the trenches and has firsthand experience of overcoming trauma and difficulty. All you need to do is show up, be present and see where the heart takes you.

Lena Los Angeles, USA

Rescheduling & Refunds

Rescheduling your calls/sessions: at least 48 hours in advance of your scheduled time by e-mail at julie@goldenrose-healing.com

This high vibrational offering is designed to lead you into a deep journey that may be uncomfortable at times. I will be along side you to offer all the guidance and support that is in my ability to offer, in a way and at times that are also empowering for me and at my own discretion to decide. I will always communicate with you transparently if for any reason I cannot honor a commitment to you + will reschedule or suggest alternative options for support. I expect the same level of transparency, honesty, commitment and responsibility in return. 

Refund policy: Please take a moment and be intentional with the commitment you are taking. I invite you to place both hands on your heart and feel the expansion of your energy awaiting you throughout this journey. Feel into how your heart resonance will reach not just yourself but everyone around you who will benefit from your healing and upleveling. Take a moment to send love and gratitude as you complete your payment, as it is part of the energy you are weaving into this journey.

Because this is a high vibrational and high commitment offering, partial refunds will only be available until the day after our first Soul Alchemy session together by sending me an email at julie@goldenrose-healing.com. You will be refunded of the payments you've already made, minus the full price of one Soul Alchemy session (example: 900£ paid in full - 111£ = 789£ refunded).

I thank you for your understanding, I take your commitment to your Heart Healing very seriously.

"This is hard, trying to put down on paper what you mostly can not explain or put into words. I will try but so much of this is feelings.

I am a different person today then I was when the mentorship started. 

I could talk much about my new friends in the mentorship, all the beautiful healing that took place and all the wonderful info I have gotten during this time. I could also talk about Julie's personality for a while. She is glowing of love inside and out. 

But for me the most important thing that has happend during the mentorship is my Calm, my Peace.

My brain was never relaxing, never not overanalyzing and worrying. ALWAYS when I talk with Julie, I feel a calm sensation come over me. A peace I never felt before. All is going to be alright. And now its still here, even after!! I am so much calmer and more at peace, and for me that is the most important and wonderful thing.

I love Julie and the Mentorship. It's changed my life forever."

Caroline Borlänge, Sweden

Choosing to participate in a mentorship with Julie was a beautiful gift to myself.

 Over the three months I worked with Julie, I was able to have a steady mirror held up to myself. It was grounding & comforting to have Julie's guidance available to me whenever I needed it. I certainly noticed the growth in myself, but it was reassuring to have Julie there, reflecting back to me all of the strides I was making. I was always amazed at what came up during our healing sessions, and our biweekly calls were equally potent. So many wounds were explored & tended to. Julie always made me feel heard, loved, & cared for. As sweet & luminous as Julie is, I always felt she was being honest & telling me what I needed to hear, not just what I wanted to hear.

Not only did I learn & grow throughout our mentorship, but I have laid the groundwork for me to continue my path with much more stability. I had many "aha" moments over the course of our mentorship, & I discovered more about the process of learning & integration on the spiritual path than I could have imagined when I signed up. I am so grateful for this experience & for Julie's beautiful light!

Lauren  Tucson, Arizona



Energy healing is not intended to replace medical services and is not to be taken as medical advice but as spiritual information. Spiritual healing and energy work are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment, if you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. Please note I am not a doctor, licensed counselor, member of the clergy, or licensed medical professional.

Keep in mind energy healing sessions may result in tangible changes in your body, emotions and certain life events. Those around you will receive the ripple effect of your own frequency change, and this might trigger all sorts of reactions from them. None of these reactions are a reflection of your own person, they are each person’s way of integrating these frequencies.

Please be patient, compassionate and gentle as yourself and those around you adjust to your new vibrational template.

I strongly encourage you to take this time to practice loving awareness of whatever arises within and around you, drink a lot of water and journal with the many insights this will bring for you.

In the integration phase which can span from 1 week to a month (varying depending on each person), you may experience vivid dreams that you are being invited to record in a journal, unusual thirst, emotional release, physical discomfort (but no pain) as your body integrates and readjusts. This is why I'm by your side especially during the first week, to support you and hold space for your healing journey.

Hello, I'm Julie

I’m a Multidimensional Alchemist, Ascension Guide and Keeper of Divine Mother frequencies for the Collective. As a Channel of the Divine, I work with many Councils of Light - including Venus and the Pleiades - and Ascended Masters.

My mission is to assist you in the process of Unveiling, Remembering, and Embodying the Light that You Are.

My work focuses on the Opening and Healing of the Heart, in all its dimensions, and reaches into ancestral healing, soul aspects retrieval, karmic healing, and DNA activations through the Frequencies and Languages of Light that I channel.

© 2022, Golden Rose Healing    I   Disclaimer    I  Privacy policy   |  Terms & Conditions | About Me

Contact: Julie@goldenrose-healing.com

Follow the journey on Instagram