Seven Sacred Flames

7 week Experiential Journey



Join me on a 7 week Journey to connect + work with the Seven Sacred Flames and the Ascended Masters!

Receive each week a deep energetic activation with every Flame and Ascended Master. You will learn to work with these powerfully healing, activating and supportive allies through Direct Experience.

This journey is open to beginners and advanced practicioners alike, there's no need for prior experience with the Flames.

Join me for a deeply grounded practice, a Journey of Remembering your connection to Source through the Seven Sacred Flames

Meet the Seven Sacred Flames

The Seven Sacred Flames are the main emanations from Divine Source Creator, representing all aspects of Creation and a Path to Enlightenment. 

Think of the Light emanating from Source reflected into a Diamond. Each rainbow fractal being projected is a Sacred Flame.

There are more than Seven Flames, but these are the main ones we will be connecting with.

Each Flame carries a specific color, frequency and Divine attributes that we are all called to master during our soul's journey such as Compassion, Wisdom, Healing, Discernment etc.  

Each Flame is overlit by a corresponding Ascended Master, an Archangel and other guides.

These are powerfully transformative energies that each individual can work with and call upon any time. The Flames are living consciousness, adjusting their vibration to each soul's needs. You can work with the Flames your entire life and keep tuning into new layers and subtleties as your level of consciousness rises to new heights.

Some Flames help you to Purify your energy field, while others infuse you with Cosmic Love, help you Heal your Body, surrender your belief system or Illuminate your Being.

I always say, there is a Flame for every situation in Life!

I have worked with the Flames in my personal practice and with clients for years.

I am closer to some of the Ascended Masters in particular, from past lives where we worked together for the Collective - and so are you ! 

It is an honour and a Joy to Serve You 

with our Ascended Brothers and Sisters by our side.

My deepest devotion goes to your Soul's Journey.

If you are looking to add JOY to your life, deepen your discernment, dive into your soul purpose, gain clarity and discover a new level of inner knowing, I HIGHLY recommend you reserve your seat on the journey with Julie and the 7 Sacred Flames.


I had no idea how greatly this journey would positively impact my life and relationships and I am grateful beyond words.

Julie provides the most sacred, loving, non-judgmental container for this journey to unfold, no matter your level of experience with the Ascended Masters and the Sacred Flames.

Your world and views will expand in the most unexpected, glorious ways. Your world will brighten as you begin to draw upon the colors of these beautiful, sacred flames daily. Julie provides practical, easy to use tools and practices for you to use and implement. Her insights and integrity, divine channeled information, and personal relationship with the Ascended Masters provide the most precious, loving guide you will ever have on a journey such as this.

May your heart guide you to the best seat for your journey with Julie and the Flames. Enjoy!

Teri – Utah, USA @7thgoldenage

The benefits of working with the Sacred Flames:

  • quicly raises your level of consciousness and frequency
  • clears distortions from your field (karmic, ancestral) and restores your Divine Original Blueprint
  • activates your DNA and cellular memories to the highest vibrational alignment for you in the Now
  • resurrects the Christed Self through the Divine I AM embodiment
  • strengthens your energetic boundaries and expands your energy field
  • can be used safely on yourself, your environment, past/present/future events, objects, pets, loved ones etc
  • heals, restores, grounds, protects, soothes, nurtures, activates, purifies, ...

Here is what Sarah experienced ...

Julie, I think you know what a gift this has been for me. I knew before we started this journey that it was going to be profound and would shift me into a new level of understanding and experience.

What I wanted to get from it was a direct relationship with each flame. To really know what each energy felt like in my body and to be able to work with the energy in a more conscious way. I can certainly say I have had that - having some incredible experiences during our activations. What I didn’t foresee though is the healing places it would take me to.

The very first session was probably the most dramatic, (much like how I felt with my first Reiki attunements which are all about cleansing and clearing away patterns and programmes) it really brought into my awareness things I had no clue were there, waiting for their time to be realised, integrated and healed. I know I have only just begun this journey so it’s quite hard to put into words how this last 7 weeks has been. Work got in the way of me being able to experience two of the sessions which brought its own lesson - to release the expectation of how this journey was to unfold and to let divine timing take care of me. I have a deep knowing that the two sessions awaiting me are going to be particularly activating and I’m waiting for the right time to do these.

I know I will be repeating each and every one of the activations and I’ll be going deeper every time.

There is just so much to explore with them and I’m so excited to see how this continues to unfold.

Everything you put together for us was so helpful - your journal prompts, your practices and the workbook in general - the imagery you curated is so compelling, it was great to have different visuals to feel into as well as our own experiences in the activation. The level of insight this has given me on my own personal path and the level of spiritual perspective it has given me has been like nothing else I have done. I would recommend this to anyone who feels the call in a heartbeat!

Also, what has been such a joy is to see you stepping into the role of such a wise and loving teacher although I know you have experienced each flame as an initiate too.

You have really embodied each one of the masters as we have journeyed together.

Your ability to hold space, to cast light into shadows and explain such multi-dimensional concepts in easy to understand ways is incredible. I’ve loved learning with you and from you and I’m so grateful to you dear one. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

The Pink Flame and Paul the Venetian are probably the most active in my life right now. I feel the most natural and deepest connection to this energy. As already mentioned, the blue flame really took me by surprise as did the green flame as I saw just really incredible visions with that one. It’s really difficult to say which one or ones I’m most connected to because I can see how each one is so rich, so layered and so intrinsically part of the spiritual whole, one aspect of what the divine really is.

You expertly articulated each one and I’m so happy that I got to experience every energy in this most sacred of groups…

Sarah – Cornwall, UK @solis.mala


  • 7 Sacred Flames activations pre-recorded, 90 min each
  • 7 weekly 20+ page workbooks for each Sacred Flame (that's 140 page total!) with deep teachings of the Flames, channeled messages & practices, prayers, affirmations, crystal & essential oil recommendations and more!
  • Extra worksheets to learn how to combine the Flames for deeper healing + my Energy Clearing Scripts for deep energetic clearing
  • Direct access to all course material after purchase to go at your own pace
  • Opportunity to book 1:1 Sacred Flame healing sessions with me to deepen your connection to a Flame/Ascended Master, receive guidance & insights, and further anchor its frequency in your field >> available for the alumnis of this journey, email me directly.

Energy exchange : 1x 555£ or 2 x 277.5£ payment plans available. For more payment plans please contact me directly

Our Journey together/ FAQ

  • Each Live Call is a channeled transmission to receive and activate the energy of the Flame of the week and meet the Ascended Master, in the form of a group guided meditation. The calls will be recorded and emailed to you within 24 hours.
  • A 20+ pages workbook is sent each week after our call with a quick summary on the Flame, journaling prompts, practices and other recommendations. In our private Whatsapp group, you will be invited to share your experiences, ask questions and receive support.
  • We will close the Journey with an Integration Ceremony + Q&A, integrating the insights together and sealing the frequencies in your aura.

Let's walk each other Home

I am so passionate about you Experiencing the Flames. It has transformed my life, and I know it will do yours!

I have run this journey live multiple times already and every group experienced the most profound transformation and personal shifts - including me - leaving lasting changes in their lives and an authentic, heartfelt connection with the Flames.

There will be basic theory on each Flame, however

this is NOT a training, or a course.

I am not here to Teach you what the Flames are about - I don't consider myself an expert on the Sacred Flames either.

I will be here to create + hold the space and call forward the Flames & Ascended Masters as the Channel of the Divine that I AM.

The whole point is for you to experience them and develop your own relationship to them and each Ascended Master.

It's essential to experience without being caught up in the mind and the theory, so that by the end of our Journey together you will have formed a connection with the Flames for Life.

The Flames connect differently with each person, no two journeys are the same! I cannot tell you which Flames to call upon; you will discover what is the best way for you. I am here to Guide, support and encourage you.

"I greatly enjoyed the Seven Sacred Flames experience!

 I have previously worked with the different flames, but it was so fun and interesting to discover new sides of them through this course.

Julie provided extremely detailed information about each flame and corresponding ascended master/archangels, as well as, different ways to more fully embody and connect with each flame throughout the week which was so great.

 It provided the perfect mix of mental, emotional, and spiritual connection.

As always, the activations were extremely potent and will definitely be something I revisit in the future to receive even more deeply. I'm so glad I decided to participate in this course and highly recommend you check it out if you feel called to connect more with the sacred flames."

Jessica– Detroit, USA

My intention is for you to:

  • learn how to work with the Flames' intelligence in conscious co-creation
  • know which Flames to call upon to support you in every moment of Life - big or small
  • let them clear up the Path for you and support you in ALL areas of your Life 
  • expand your energy hygiene - whether you've just begun Remembering or are an experienced Initiate looking to deepen your practice
  • Realise that You Are the Ascended Master calling the Flames FROM WITHIN!
  • meet the Ascended Masters and Remember your connection to them, finding out which Flames you are most connected to

The Flames and the Ascended Masters will meet you exactly where you are.

They will adjust their frequency to you personally to bring the Highest Assistance on your Path.

This Journey is open to everyone through Divine Alignment.

It is sealed in a Template of the Highest Light, through Divine Will.

Message from

the Ascended Masters

The Ascended Masters want to walk with You because now more than ever, many souls are walking the Earth in a state of disempowerment.

Remembering that you have powerful allies to call upon for support at any time of the day is an Empowering Gift.

As the dismantling of the old world accelerates, leaving many in a state of confusion and overwhelm, it is essential to Remember you have the tools and resources you need within yourself.

They insisted that many souls still believe they cannot call upon the Ascended Masters, as if they were some superior, elusive Guides only available to highly trained initiates.

This is simply not true.

They are close friends walking you Home, in your daily life.

They want to bestow their Grace upon you and infuse your Path with Joy, Compassion and Courage.

This can only happen if you call upon them and let them support you.

This journey and sacred container held by Julie has been so eye opening and heart expanding, as I feel more connected to my master self and the power I have to heal and create! The activations were potent and cleared so much energy to allow for new creations to come forth. I have a working knowledge of each flame and how to consciously use it to not only benefit myself but the world.

Julie is so deeply connected to the ascended masters and archangels and has extensive knowledge of energy and spirit. She exemplifies grace and ease and is so loving and gentle. She is authentic and honest about her own journey which helps me to better understand my own. She meets you where you are whether you are a beginner or are advanced with these concepts and your healing journey. She truly cares for your healing and well being, and I know this will carry on way into the future.

I now know and understand the ascended masters, archangels and Elohim of each flame more deeply. I have a better understanding of how I personally clear energy and heal. I am more aware of how to protect my energy. I now know which properties from each flame are needed and how to combine them in a way that will help with all aspects of life, whether it be personal issues that are physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual, relationships, how to help Mother Nature and animals, clients, locations, world events, etc.

I feel more connected than ever to the light beings present to help me connected with my true self. It was also wonderful to be connected to the other members chatting each week and hearing their experiences and take aways. I am excited to become more deeply connected to each flame and know just how they are actively changing my life.

Kristyn– Ohio, USA

THe seven sacred flames journey Is FOR YOU IF:

  • You are curious about the Flames and would like to discover them and the Ascended Masters
  • You already work with the Flames and the Ascended Masters and would like to deepen your practice/connection to them and receive further Initiation
  • You wish to discover a practical resource that you can call upon at any time to support you on your Journey - to clear, uplift, recharge and expand your energy
  • You are not sure if this is for you but you feel a strong pull to this offering
  • You are not looking for a magical passive quick fix but actively seeking to reconnect with your Heart and Soul’s Mission

Refund policy

This high vibrational offering is designed to lead you into a deep journey that may be uncomfortable at times. I will be along side you to offer all the guidance and support that is in my ability to offer in our Whatsapp group, in a way and at times that are also empowering for me and at my own discretion to decide.

Refund policy: Please take a moment and be intentional with the commitment you are taking. I invite you to place both hands on your heart and feel the expansion of your energy awaiting you throughout this journey.

Feel into how your heart resonance will reach not just yourself but everyone around you who will benefit from your healing and upleveling. Take a moment to send love and gratitude as you complete your payment, as it is part of the energy you are weaving into this journey.

No refunds will be available, thank you for your understanding.



Energy healing is not intended to replace medical services and is not to be taken as medical advice but as spiritual information. Spiritual healing and energy work are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment, if you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. Please note I am not a doctor, licensed counselor, member of the clergy, or licensed medical professional.

Keep in mind energy healing sessions may result in tangible changes in your body, emotions and certain life events. Those around you will receive the ripple effect of your own frequency change, and this might trigger all sorts of reactions from them. None of these reactions are a reflection of your own person, they are each person’s way of integrating these frequencies.

Please be patient, compassionate and gentle as yourself and those around you adjust to your new vibrational template.

I strongly encourage you to take this time to practice loving awareness of whatever arises within and around you, drink a lot of water and journal with the many insights this will bring for you.

In the integration phase which can span from 1 week to a month (varying depending on each person), you may experience vivid dreams that you are being invited to record in a journal, unusual thirst, emotional release, physical discomfort (but no pain) as your body integrates and readjusts. This is why I'm by your side especially during the first week, to support you and hold space for your healing journey.

Hello, I'm Julie

I’m a Soul Alchemist, Ascension Mentor and Keeper of Divine Mother frequencies. As a Channel of the Divine, I work with many Councils of Light - including Venus and the Pleiades - and Ascended Masters.

My mission is to assist you in the process of Unveiling, Remembering, and Embodying the unique Light that You Are.

My work focuses on the Opening and Healing of the Heart in all its dimensions and reaches far into ancestral healing, soul aspects retrieval, karmic healing, and DNA activations through the Frequencies and Languages of Light that I channel.

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